When I decided to quit my job, I asked all of my freelance friends what their transitions were like. One wise pal told me that it takes at least a month or two before the office fog lifts, and you remember what your hands and feet look like, and who you are as a person. Now that three months have passed since my exodus from the cubicle life, I feel like clarity is starting to set in. I've done—and learned—so much during this short period! Here are a few realizations I've had recently.
1. I was not myself. Since I'm a naturally cheery person and can always find the silver lining in situations, I thought I was happy enough. But now that I've left, it's dawned on me that I was like a Sharon-bot towards the end of my last position. The daily grind had worn me down. Finally, I feel like my old self again!
2. The cache and swag isn't that important. Confession: When I left, I was a little worried that I was going to feel deprived of going to the fancy-schmancy events, getting courted by PR people, and having free products delivered to my office daily. While those perks were nice, I don't miss them at all. My apartment and inbox are less cluttered, and I much prefer going on a bike ride or spending time with friends instead of getting wined and dined. (Disclaimer: You'll have to check back in when the time comes to buy my own beauty products. Ha!)
3. I adore writing about different topics. I spent a lot of my previous job giving tips on how to slim down. To be honest, weight loss is overrated -- as long as you're healthy and active, you're perfect. Better to have those extra 10 pounds and happily eat dessert without an ounce of guilt than monitor everything that goes into your mouth. Now I write a lot about inspiring women and eating for athletic pursuits, and I love it. :)
4. Being in control of your own schedule is awesome. I can't stress this enough! I have so many fun summer adventures planned that I would not be able to take if I was chained my desk. Granted, I am probably logging more hours work-wise than ever, but it's nice to have the freedom to take a day off when it counts or go for a long mind-clearing stroll without having to tell someone. Huzzah.