...And I'm back from another amazingly fun surfing adventure in Costa Rica. The camp and instruction were fantastic; I feel like I learned a ton. A gigantic swell (or, at least, huge for me) came through, so there were 10-foot close-outs! So I practiced turns in the whitewash and, on a few days, rode much more reasonable five- and six-footers. By the end of the week, I felt pretty good about going down the line. (Next up: Turning while on the wave.) Besides surfing, we ate delicious food, lounged in the pool, and laughed it up with the other hilarious and amazing folks. Good times! We also hit up the local bars, watched sea turtles lay their eggs on the beach, and did this crazy driving tour of the Costa Rican countryside. Corine and I switched off with driving, and apparently I laughed maniacally like the Bride of Chucky when I floored it through muddy puddles. One of the most inspiring parts of the trip was that a lot of the other surfers hadn't started until their 40's and 50's...and they could shred it up! Goes to show that it's never to late to learn something new. :)