The other day, I was scrolling through my friends' fabulous vacation pictures on social media and found myself thinking, "They're doing such amazing things, while I'm being boring in the city." Then I thought: "Hold on. Check yourself before you wreck yourself." I had to remind myself that I've actually had a pretty fabulous summer so far. Even though there haven't been any two-week jaunts around the world, I've managed to fit in some rad little adventures between deadlines.
The surf has been fun this summer (#blessed), so I've averaging two or three wave-sliding sessions a week. On the weekend, the ladies and I head out to Tom's Gilgo beach paradise, where we grill hot dogs, surf fun (and sometimes big!) beach breaks, and drink pina coladas and beers with the colorful locals. And, occasionally, pose in front of priceless antique cars.
Erik and I have also enjoyed wandering around the city. We'll feast on the best tacos ever and delicious shaved ice, along with wandering past cool murals, listening to jazz musicians in the park, and popping into charming stores. It's enough to make you fall in love with the city all over again. Not bad, summer 2015!