Just finished up my 25th week of pregnancy… One more week left of my second trimester!
How I'm feeling: Pretty good! I'm still on the sluggish side, but I think that's because I've been trapped inside because of the constant snow and freezing weather. Also I've been going bananas getting ready for our move, which has been energy-draining to say the least. My belly's gotten big enough that it's in the way of things; I'm starting to swell like a water balloon; and people can tell that I'm pregnant. Still can't get a seat on the subway, though. For real, L train?
What I'm wanting: All the food; my appetite is in high gear. For the most part, I eat whenever I'm hungry, which is every two hours or so, but I try to stick with nutritious foods. (Well, except for that Minetta Tavern Black Label Burger and Junior's cheesecake … getting those last NYC treats in.) Lately, I'm all about acai smoothies, mangoes, red meat, and cheese. I gained 10 pounds last month (!), putting me at 15 pounds total. It's fun to be curvy for once!
What I'm surprised about: I have to do a double-take every time I pass by a mirror. My belly button is starting to poke outwards. It's amazing what the body can do. I'm pleased how I'm taking things in stride. Because of our move, we've done almost nothing to prep for baby, except for sign up for a childbirth class. Normally, I'd be in a tizzy, but it's not really bothering me at all. I figure we'll get it all done once we get settled in Los Angeles.
What I miss: Starting to get separation anxiety about leaving my dear friends in NYC. Also I've been dying for Chipotle, but Erik is so nervous about E. coli that I haven't been eating it. That didn't stop me from staring longingly in the window like a creeper for a good few minutes. Ha.
What I love: Being pregnant is an amazing experience. I didn't think I'd feel this way, but I'm constantly in awe and so proud that I'm CARRYING ANOTHER PERSON. I'm grateful for this opportunity, especially knowing how hard other couples have it when it comes to conceiving. To hear her heartbeat and feel her kicks in my belly … it's indescribable! Sometimes I feel like my heart is going to burst, and she's not even born yet.