Fell off the map there for a bit! We've been busy these past few weeks with growing, entertaining visitors, and finding our new groove as freelancer-parents. There's been a ton of learning, a bunch of smiles, and quite a few tears (from Lola and myself).
Not gonna lie, month 2.5 into 3 was rough for me. Just as I was trying to dip back into work, Lola went from a sleepy newborn to a demanding infant. We weren't strict about her nap/bedtime schedule, so she would get overstimulated and tired, setting off a cycle of fighting naps and wailing bedtimes. Plus, we had a series of visitors that threw our schedule for more of a loop... I was exhausted and overwhelmed!
But then a shift happened: We built a fairly regular schedule of naps every 60-90 minutes and a bedtime of 7-8. We also got more in tune with each other, and now I feel like I know what Lola's asking for and can meet her needs. And — oh, my heart! — Lola's social skills are growing, so she's been laughing, smiling, and responding up a storm. That, plus getting good sleep, has made us very happy parents.
It's hard to articulate parenthood, but the biggest thing I've learned is that there is SO. MUCH. JOY. It's beautiful looking at the world through her lens, and finding simple happiness throughout the day. Every morning, Lola wakes up laughing and I spend half an hour playing "wiggly legs" with her. Is there a better way to start the day? It's crazy the love you feel for your child! It doesn't hurt that she's the cutest baby that ever graced this earth (in my opinion).
We're still figuring out the balance between our old and new selves (is there one?), but I'm just cherishing this phase of life.