Call me crazy, but I signed up for another endurance event—I'm running the Philadelphia half-marathon with my friends Amanda and Sarah. The race is about three months away, which means that it's time to start training again. That means waking up at 6:45 a.m. to knock out 5 miles before work, devoting my Saturday mornings to long runs, and being exhausted constantly. It's insane, I know, and there are times that I get overwhelmed, but I love it! It also means bonding with friends as we work up a sweat, demolishing an ice cream sundae without an ounce of guilt, and having that post-exercise high all day. But what tops all of that is that awesome, incredible feeling of shock when you accomplish something that you never dreamed possible. I'll never forget the exhiliration I experienced as I crossed the finish line of the NYC Nautica triathlon. Now, that's high worth chasing.
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