Back when I lived on Bedford Avenue, my roommate and I threw a few fun theme parties. My favorite was a "former self" bash, where everyone had to dress up as a past version of themselves. It was pretty epic—there were ravers, preps, grunge kids, and athletes. It was so fascinating to learn what people were like in their teens! Although you can't really make it out in this pic, my outfit was circa 1996, when I wore Hanes V-necks, men's work pants, hoop earrings, and thrift-store sweaters. I thought it was utilitarian chic, but really it was just mothball ugly. Oh, high school. I had the good fortune of going to a brand-new one, so the social cliques weren't yet set in stone. That's how I wound up kind of doing my own thing...on the swim team, Honor Society, Latin club (nerd alert!), winter formal/homecoming court, and yearbook. Also I was voted "most likely to become a novelist" and "most original," probably because by senior year I decided to become a raver, and (a) had my tongue pierced and (b) wore hoodlum baggy pants. Cringe. Thank goodness Facebook didn't exist back then!
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