Oh man! This week, the 6 train to work has been a hot mess: delays, overcrowding, crazy people. To get my mind off of the suckiness of the situation (and the fact that my face is smooshed into someone else's armpit), I've been running through a few of my favorite memories. Here are the six that come to mind:
1. Laughing and dancing at fake proms #1 and #2. (Pictured above.) Lily and Sil's loft, Tony and Glenna deejaying, Tim doing "Billie Jean"...I think those parties are going to out-awesome any other celebration I ever throw, including my wedding.
2. Getting snowed in at Colonial Arms with Amie and Justin during senior year of college. Two weeks of sheer fun.
3. Recapping Saturday Night Live episodes at Sunday morning swim practice with Kelly, Eva, MaryBeth, and Meg.
4. Walking two miles to get some doughnut munchkins with Amie in Arlington. I say that because it sums up our relationship: Going to great lengths to get food, and then laughing hysterically the entire time.
5. Doing laps in the Bed-Stuy pool, with the sun basking my shoulders and the gray city surrounding me.
6. Last week, Erik turning to me and asking seriously, "Do you know what my lucky cat's name is?" And then he turns and talks directly to the little figurine: "Crunchy. Let's go Crunchy Cat! Time to work!" Ah, it makes me giggle every time! Because you have to cherish the little memories, too; it's the string of them that makes up the fabric of our lives.