Between this snowy New York winter and my busy schedule, I've fallen short on my half-marathon training plan. Usually exercise endorphins are my high of choice, but lately all I've wanted to do is lounge in my pajamas and meet friends for beers. But with the NYC race less than a month away, I attempted to get my rear in gear this week: I set the alarm early. I charged my Garmin. And then...I slept in. In my younger days, I would have been disappointed or made up for it with an evening run in the frigid temps. Now that I'm definitely older and arguably wiser, I've come to realize that there's no need to be so tough on myself. I don't know if it's because I live in such an intense city (New York) and work in such a type-A industry (media), but there's a certain amount of pressure to be smart, successful, slim, attractive, interesting, well-groomed, and stylish. In other words: perfect. And while I agree whole-heartedly that you should aim high, it shouldn't come at the expense of your happiness or sanity. So here's my call to myself and all women: Cut yourself some slack. You're doing your best, and that's enough.
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