Sunday, July 31, 2011

scenes from a weekend

This weekend, I crossed a bunch of things off my summer checklist: We ate lobster rolls from the Red Hook Lobster Pound, took the East River Ferry and rode our bikes around Governor's Island. I also went to a bachelorette bash and karaoke b-day party. On the docket for today? Laundry, cleaning, running, writing and maybe a well-earned nap.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

being brave

I recently wrote a piece on how extreme athletes handle fear. It was really interesting to put together, and something one of the athletes said stuck with me, which was along the lines of: "Fear is like a muscle, you have to challenge yourself to get stronger." It's so true, isn't it? That got me thinking about older versions of myself back in high school and even college: I used to be more afraid of what people thought of me, scared to speak in public, doubtful of my abilities. But stepping out of my comfort zone throughout the years has helped me shed those fears and strengthen my courage muscle. Today, when I zipped on my road bike to meet some friends for a ride, I remembered how nervous I used to be to ride through traffic -- and it made me realize how far I've come. So here's to constantly pushing myself, conquering things that make my stomach turn and being the person I know I can be.

Monday, July 25, 2011

magical moment

This weekend, I swam with dolphins! The adventure girls and I headed to Long Beach Island, New Jersey for a surf weekend. Although I got a board to the face and couldn't really catch any good waves, it was so much fun. We ate Skipper Dipper ice cream and Pinky's seafood. And one of the coolest things ever happened: Heather and I were lounging out back on our boards when I heard a little snort. I looked up and caught sight of a tail fin—and assumed it was a splashy fish. Then I did a double-take. There were about 10 or so dolphins, diving playfully into the surf. They were so close— just 10 feet away—and the whole thing was so magical! I didn't even know dolphins hung out at the Jersey Shore. (DJ Pauly Dolphin, anyone?) But it was an amazing reminder that sometimes it's not the end goal that matters; it's the entire experience.

Friday, July 22, 2011

way back when...

...I lived in Bed-Stuy, my little cat always stuck her tongue out. I'm not sure why, but it never failed to make me laugh. Sometimes I miss that neighborhood, even though I was stuck on the G train and there were few banks and grocery stores. There was always a sense of life and electricity in the air. I just loved playing handball with my little pals while waiting for my laundry and yelling Marco-Polo at the local swimming pool. Good times!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

little letters

Dear hot and humid weather,
Ugh. Please go away.

Dear hair follicles,
What do you think, guys? Is it time to change things up?

Dear Miami, Honolulu, Paris and Barcelona,
I'm looking at you. (Fingers crossed.) Get ready!

Dear NYC beauty standards,
I like a good mani/pedi as much as the next girl, but who decided that this should be the norm? I don't have the time, money or patience to get my beat-up runner's nails done up on the regular. I'd much rather put my cash to a fun race or adventure, or, you know, retirement.

Monday, July 18, 2011

we are so cool

Sometimes we may or may not...

Wear funny glasses and take Photo Booth pictures.
Sing 90s R&B ballads to each other and the cat.
Put Googley eyes on random things, like dust balls and bamboo plants.
Express our love for each other through interpretive dance.

It's not easy being this fabulous.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

guinea pig

One of the funny things about working in women's magazines is that you're often recruited to be a guinea pig. A pal of mine wrote an arm makeover story in Redbook recently and asked if I would try it out. A lot of those we-tried-it pieces are smoke and mirrors, but this routine was a real winner. (Check it out. It's in the August issue; all you need are a pair of dumbbells.) It was fast and easy—and take a look at those guns. Ha!

Friday, July 15, 2011

weekend in the city!

After spending the last few weeks in Raleigh, Los Angeles, Canada and Berlin, I'm super-excited that Erik and I are both in the city this weekend. I'm planning on meeting Sarah and Amanda for a triathlon brick (bike plus run) with my shiny new road bike tomorrow morning. Then we'll probably go see an outdoor Tribe Called Quest show thrown by Erik's pals on Saturday, and spend Sunday lounging. Now, if I can just make this deadline today first...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

6 things (canadian version)

...I did last week in Saskatoon, Canada on a biz trip.

1. Hung out with the funny and delightful Carla Hall of Top Chef fame. She is just about as normal and down-to-earth as they come. I can't wait for her new show.
2. Drove miles and miles to a canola farm out in the middle of nowheresville, got off the bus...and spotted this cute boy in a Rocksmith shirt! Talk about a small world. This is quite possibly the most amazing sighting ever. I know Erik's clothes got a cameo on the Country Music Awards, but who knew that he had such a farmer following?
3. Learned so much about food production. It's so easy forget where your food comes from when you live in the city, but it was a nice reminder to support local farmers.
4. Square-danced with this crazy caller named Lil. She played 45s, freestyle sang songs like "Ghost Chicken in the Sky," and tsk-ed at our skills.
5. Ate four-course meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner. They pretty much had to roll me across the border.
6. Met some amazing folks and shared many laughs. Thanks, Canada!

Friday, July 8, 2011

oh, canada

Reporting in from Canada, where I've been learning so many fascinating things about agriculture and farming...and square dancing. Aren't these fields just breathtaking?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Dear blog,

I've been neglecting you. I've been knee-deep in weddings, deadlines and summer fun. Oh, and triathlon training! Today I met up with Amanda and rode my trusty yet slow hybrid 26 miles. In the middle of the day. (Score: Freelancing: 1,000, Old job: -1,000,000.) And then tomorrow I'm away to the wilds of Canada! I promise that I'll write up some proper posts upon my return. xo, Sharon

Sunday, July 3, 2011

lazy days

After such a hectic few weeks, we finally had a few days to lounge. Yesterday I slept until noon (!) and then took a three-hour nap in the afternoon (!!). I guess my body needed it. Erik went off to Berlin for business today, so Monkey and I are holding it down. As much as I'll miss my fella, it's nice to have some solo girl time, too.

Friday, July 1, 2011

random thoughts

Just a mishmosh of things bumping around my noggin on this balmy Friday:

* During Tim and Sherry's lovely ceremony, the officiant made a sweet speech about how those two are opposites but complements. Right when he said it, Erik and I made eye contact and smiled, because we're the same way. I'm super athletic; he's a couch potato. I'm a writer and editor; he argues that spelling shouldn't be so "hard and fast." We'll never be one of those couples that does everything together, but he brings out the best in me, calming down my type-A nature, and that's why we're perfect together.

* The other day a lovely editor reached out about a job that I would have drooled over six months ago. But I turned it down without even thinking twice. Funny how life works, isn't it?

* Even though the man sitting next to me on the plane asked what college I went to (bless him), I can tell that my body is changing with age. My metabolism is slowing, my face slowly shifting. I think I look more womanly, which is nice. Although, I'm not looking forward to the white-hair stage.

* I can't get enough of this song.