...I did last week in Saskatoon, Canada on a biz trip.
1. Hung out with the funny and delightful Carla Hall of Top Chef fame. She is just about as normal and down-to-earth as they come. I can't wait for her new show.
2. Drove miles and miles to a canola farm out in the middle of nowheresville, got off the bus...and spotted this cute boy in a Rocksmith shirt! Talk about a small world. This is quite possibly the most amazing sighting ever. I know Erik's clothes got a cameo on the Country Music Awards, but who knew that he had such a farmer following?
3. Learned so much about food production. It's so easy forget where your food comes from when you live in the city, but it was a nice reminder to support local farmers.
4. Square-danced with this crazy caller named Lil. She played 45s, freestyle sang songs like "Ghost Chicken in the Sky," and tsk-ed at our skills.
5. Ate four-course meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner. They pretty much had to roll me across the border.
6. Met some amazing folks and shared many laughs. Thanks, Canada!
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