Today I opened the front door of my house in North Carolina to find this cute guy. Since there's so much construction going on in North Raleigh, the deer have taken up residence in suburban backyards. There's a little family that hangs out in ours, and it's magical to see this wet-nosed fawn wobbling around. Anyway, I'm here for the week, spending Thanksgiving with my mom. And while this year has had its rough patches, there are still so many things I'm grateful for. A random smattering:
1. My dad. Coordinating mom's health insurance and financial stuff has made me realize to what great lengths he went to provide for his family. I'm crying just thinking about it, but in the best way possible.
2. Soft pillows. After complaining about a crick in my neck, my mom was like "we've had that pillow since you were a girl. Maybe 25 or 30 years old?" (I went out and bought a new one immediately.)
3. Fake Thanksgiving. It gets more delicious by the year.
4. Facetime... so I can talk to mom when I'm far away!
5. Cinnamon-apple tea. It makes the whole house smell like the holidays.
6. A happy home. The good thing about going through life's bumps is that is makes you appreciate all the joyful, blessed things so much more. That's why I'm so thankful to have a place where I always feel safe and loved.
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