How amazingly creepy is this window display I spotted on my morning run? Chalk up another reason why I love the holidays! Although it just occurred to me that this year has been a little weird. I usually love the holiday party circuit and all of the fun, drinks, and catch-up convos that ensue. But it's been hard for me to answer the "what are you doing for Christmas?" and "how've you been?" questions this season. Instead of the breezy, cocktail-appropriate answers I dole out, what I really want to blurt is "I'll be with Erik's family, but also worrying about my mom" and "This fall has been really hard, but I'm hanging in." Anyone who knows me knows that I tend to wear my emotions on my face, so I've been skirting a few festivities; it's just too hard to churn up frothy conversation. As the weeks pass, my soul is getting lighter and returning back to its normal Sharon-esque self, but, for the time being, I'm giving myself a little pass.
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