Now that my mom lives on her own, Tim and I chat with her every day. Since I have a 20-minute trek from the subway to the office daily, I like to call her on my walk. (I've turned into one of those weird people who talks on their iPhone headphones.) Lately she has been cracking me up. Here, a few snippets of our conversations:
Mom: Is Erik's stepmom also from Avocado?
Me: You mean Colombia?
Mom: Oh, yes!
Mom (at 10:30 pm, late for her): Sharon!
Me (worried): What's wrong?
Mom (discussing her Chinese soap opera): They are not getting married.
Me: How was your Bible study group?
Mom: It was fine. So many dishes to eat!
Me: Did you understand the lesson?
Mom: Not really. The food was good!
Mom: What you make Erik for dinner?
Me: Erik can make his own dinner.
Mom: I don't understand your relationship.
Edited to add: Have you seen this? The "no boyfriend till married" cracked me up!
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