Back home from Raleigh! It was so good to see my cute mom, who gets smaller and wobblier every time I see her. We ran all her errands and went to appointments every day. In the evenings, I tried to keep up with my deadlines and managed to squeeze in one long run. It was a busy trip, and I felt a little stretched between my life and hers. At the doctor's office, for instance, the scheduler looked at me reproachfully when I told her I couldn't make it back in four weeks for my mom's follow-up—could we come back in six? "Well, that's really not good at all," she responded coolly. "I don't think [Dr. So-and-So] will go for it." I just wanted to sink into the floor. Fortunately, her nice coworker swooped in and smoothed things over as I overcompensated with reasons: "I have a really busy March! I live out of state! My mom won't let us get her a caretaker!" My lesson? I need to brush off these judgments—and refrain from making them myself. There's always a story behind every action.
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