...I've been up to lately:
1. Started another office gig. I'm back in the workplace, and I'm kind of loving it. It's been so nice to chat with coworkers, brainstorm ideas and meet midtown friends for lunch. As much as I adore the freelance life, there's something truly wonderful about working as part of a team. Plus, this office is insanely sane. Ha! Of course, I've been going a bit crazy wrapping up outstanding projects at night, but I think I've powered through the thick of it.
2. Gone clothes-shopping. How is it that I worked on staff for the better part of 10 years, yet I only have four office-appropriate outfits nowadays? It's a mystery. I've bought a few staples, but I am in dire need of more.
3. Finished my taxes. Ugh! There's no more dreaded time of year for a freelancer than tax season. I have to part with a pretty penny, but it's well worth it. I'm not mad at giving money for more much-needed public programs. Color me Democrat.
4. Played guinea pig. My favorite thing about my job is doing the most random things. Last week, I ventured to an abandoned-looked warehouse in my neighborhood. Lo and behold, it's this amazing space with a full-sized pool inside for Watsu (water massage) treatments. Basically I shoved my head in this therapist's arm pit as he swirled me around the warm water. I felt super dreamy and out-of-it afterwards. I also did a hard-ass boot-camp-kinda class and, to balance that out, sampled fresh Italian meats and wines.
5. Scheduled some venue appointments. Everything is still way, way up in the air, but we're going to check out a roof-top farm and converted firehouse this week. I also chatted with someone who got hitched at City Hall, which is still a temptation.
6. Played single lady for a week. Erik was out of town at a trade show and, while I missed him, it was so nice having the place to myself. I had flashbacks of when I lived alone in Bed-Stuy; I've always been a people-person, so it surprised me that I truly enjoyed being on my own. There's something so luxurious about putting on a face mask and watching the Bachelor while eating peanut butter out of the jar. It's the finer things in life, people.
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