…I did this week:
1. Did a TV appearance (see makeup-face above). Hosting and public speaking don't come naturally to me, and I usually spend the day or two beforehand scrambling to put together an appropriate outfit and feeling stressed. But I think it's important to do things that challenge and scare you, and force you to step outside of your comfort zone. In the end, it went great, and I had a fun time. Personal growth!
2. Felt grumpy. This week was a perfect storm for grouchiness: I was dealing with my nerves, deadlines, and pregnancy fatigue, while Erik was battling a nasty cold and business dealings. To add to that, we were trapped inside because of the snowy slushiness. It made me thankful we know how to defuse our irritation without taking it out on each other. The highlight was when Erik was trying to help, and I snapped, "Let me be angry and wash some dishes, dude! Aughhhh!" We both dissolved into giggles.
3. Hired movers. I still can't believe this is happening.
4. Got massaged. I've been dying for one, but pre-natal massages are so pricey. So I wandered into the Chinese bodywork place, and laid on my side to accommodate my growing belly. Best 50 bucks I've ever spent.
5. Had my wallet returned. On the way back from my massage, my wallet must've dropped out of my pocket, and I didn't even realize it! (Hello, pregnancy brain.) The sweetest woman buzzed my door and gave it back. What are the odds of that happening? I'm the luckiest.
6. Watched baby in my belly. I can see my belly move now with her little kicks!
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