Can you believe that it's been a month since this little light entered our lives? I was going to write something eloquent about motherhood but, you know, newborns are kinda distracting. So here are some quick things that I want to remember about this sweet stage of life:
- Lola's sweet smell and fuzzy post-bath hair (totally got it from her daddy)
- Her old-man grunts and strains
- The way we immediately melt when she flashes that gummy smile
- Erik dancing around with her in his arms when she's being fussy (swoon!)
- Stroking the newborn fur on her shoulder and the dimples on her arm as she feeds
- Monkey's worried face at Lola's crying; her new nickname is "Nanny Monkey"
- The way Lola sighs and snuggles into me when we go for walks with the Solly Wrap
- The great satisfaction of a fart or burp
- High-fiving Erik when she nods off to sleep; so grateful to have such a wonderful co-parent
- The "oh no!" look we give each other when she wails after those two minutes of sleep
- The surge of love every time I gaze at her face. Turns out I love being a mom!
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