We've gone from weeks to months, people! It's so crazy how having a baby completely changes your perception of time. Before Lola, four months could fly by with a, "Hey, how is it September already?" But having a gorgeous baby makes you realize how precious every second is: Lola's gone from a sleepy, puffy newborn to a full-on baby. She's holding her head up, almost sitting, and sizing into size-two diapers and six-month clothes. It's beautiful and bittersweet. I'm realizing that all of of those parenting cliches -- "they grow up so fast," "it's longest shortest time," and "enjoy this time" -- are repeated time and again for a reason.
How's Lola doing? She is truly the light of our life. She's such a happy, smiling baby, but when she's tired or hungry, she will let you know! She's very opinionated and determined, which I think will carry her far in life while giving mom and dad a few more gray hairs in the process. She's started laughing (the best sound in the universe!) and grasping for toys. Sleep-wise, she only wakes up a few times (around 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. or so), and naps 45 minutes every 60 to 90 minutes. She's still in our room in the bassinet, but I've been working on getting her to nap in the crib. Next up on our to-do list is trying to break the habit of rocking her to sleep...which will be more traumatic for me than her. Holding her little sleepy body and feeling her relax as she drifts off is one of life's greatest joys.
How are mom and dad doing? We've mostly settled into our groove as full-time parents and workers. I'd say that I'm back about one-half to two-thirds time, juggling deadlines during Lola's naps and before/after bedtime. That still leaves little to no Sharon-time, but, for now, I'm running with it. It's totally worth it to be able to stay home with Lola and soak up every minute with her. Hoping things will settle down as she gets older and isn't nursing all the time.
I'm super-proud of how much we've learned in these four short months! Being responsible for a little life such a drastic life change and learning curve, and it's definitely stressful and tough at times. But it's truly made life a zillion times better. Having Lola has deepened my love, strengthened our marriage, and given me a greater sense of purpose. I still can't believe I'm a mama!
your the luckiest one to be able to make time for her and be home for her. don't ever doubt it.
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