Last night, Erik and I went to our lovely new neighbors' housewarming party. She's from Mexico and he's from Colombia, so, by the end of the night, their guests cleared out a space in the living room to salsa. It made me really appreciate being surrounded by different cultures, which is ironic because I hated being Chinese when I was young. Being called out for your dried squid sandwich and having to translate your mom's broken English at K-Mart? Soooo embarrassing. Why did my family have to be different? As I matured, of course, I came to realize how lucky I am to have parents that sacrificed so much to come to the United States. And I'm grateful that I can speak Mandarian and cook jia chang dou fu. Erik, on the other hand, is Cuban and Colombian, which is where he gets his unchecked enthusiasm and passion. And that's a big reason why I love him so much.
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