If you've been following this blog, you know that I've challenged myself to donate a week's worth of lunch money every month. But this month, I feel compelled to give much more than that. How could I turn a blind eye to the heartbreaking images of starving people in Somalia, especially as I sit here in my cozy apartment with my full tummy? Don't get me wrong. It's not fun to part with my hard-earned money, but I can't think of a more important place to spend my dollars. The hollow-eyed mothers and listless children need this cash far, far more I would ever need that dinner on the town or cute new purse. So today I encourage you to join me in doing something uncomfortable—to part with our money during this tumultuous economic time. I promise you: You won't regret it. It'll be the best thing you do all year.
I found this article on where to give particularly helpful: http://blog.charitynavigator.org/2011/07/donor-shares-question-about-famine-aid.html
[Photo credit: Flickr]
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