If I were to describe the freelance life as an SAT analogy, it'd be something like: Sharon is to assignments as my little cat is to her food. That is to say that we both gobble up our sustenance in a frenzy because we're not 100 percent certain when our next meal is coming. (Monkey was homeless before I adopted her, so she still has those feral tendencies.) So that explains why I've had such an hectic summer meeting multiple deadlines and working around the clock. But recently, two of my fill-in editing gigs have ended, so I've found myself with a little more breathing room. It's nice. Today I took a break and soaked up the beautiful post-Irene weather on my deck. Part of me wants to be nervous that I'm not insanely busy, but the other part just wants to savor the moment. Right now, I'm going go with the latter. :)
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