We're rounding the corner and headed down the homestretch! I was joking with Erik that I kind of feel like a celebrity on the street these days. Everyone does a double-take or wants to talk to me when they see my humongous belly.
How I'm feeling: This is a reality. Last week, my belly started feeling a little uncomfortable; sometimes baby will press against my spine or side. That's when it hit me: This baby is coming out of (fingers crossed) my vagina. Holy crap.
What I'm wanting: I'm trying to tie up all the loose ends. When I went into my 35-week ultrasound, the technician mentioned that she was checking my amniotic fluid levels. "If they're low, they might want to induce labor today," she remarked, pressing the paddle on my belly. Um, say WHAT?! Our crib hasn't arrived yet! I haven't hung up the nursery pictures or baby's mobile! I haven't written my birth plan! I have 10 outstanding deadlines! I'm only two weeks away of coming to term (read: it's normal and safe for baby to come at 37 weeks or after), so I gotta get my rear in gear.
What I'm surprised about: Last week, Erik and I went to go see The Jungle Book movie. It was so good, but the 3D tickets were $20 a pop. As I watched a family of four carrying popcorn file by, I remarked to Erik, "Geez, they must've spent more than $100 tonight!" As the words left my mouth, I realized how much I sounded like my darling but oh-so-cheap dad. Are we destined to turn into our own parents? Am I going to make my baby girl wear a winter jacket indoors because I refuse to turn on the heat? I have been thinking more about our long-term finances lately, because having a baby isn't cheap.
Oh, also! Baby is already 6 pounds, 4 ounces, measuring in the 77th percentile. The doc guesses that she'll be around 8 pounds at birth, which is healthy and above the average of 7 pounds, 5 ounces. I had assumed she'd be smaller, since Erik and I aren't giants. I'm just crossing every finger and toe that she'll be healthy and happy.
What I miss: I'm already feeling nostalgic our pre-baby freedom and trips. It's interesting, though. When I see my friends' spur-of-the-moment travels and adventures on my Insta feed, I don't think, "man, I wish I was doing that!" I definitely have this calm sense of being where I'm supposed to be in life. But it is bittersweet temporarily closing this chapter of hey-wanna-go-to-Sweden-this-weekend? until baby's bigger.
What I love: The other day, I read a mom describe being pregnant as feeling like the most important person in the world. It sounds so egomaniacal, but there is a sense of that, in the best possible way. As excited I am to get back to my normal body, I think I'm going to miss being pregnant. There is something so beautiful if sharing this experience with other women, and this intimate bond with my daughter. Also, it's nice to be able to blame everything on pregnancy hormones, including this lapse of sappiness.