Well, that was a doozy of a move! Where should I even begin? Let's start with two weeks ago. I was wrapping up loose ends and having a good-bye lunch with a friend when a text from Erik pinged on my phone: "Huge issue with the apartment." My heart skipped a beat. Our worst-case scenario had come true: The place we signed a lease on fell through (looooooong story), so we were essentially homeless in two days. We were packing up all of our worldly possessions, flying cross-country with a cat, and landing in Los Angeles with no place to stay. Gahhhhhh!
Thank heavens I married a level-headed rock of a man. Erik kept me from freaking out, and I've never been so grateful for my Polyanna temperament (although I did fluctuate like a crazy person): "Holy crap, Erik. This sucks! Well, it could be worse. At least we're both healthy and no one is sick. Holy crap, Erik. What are we going to do? "
The next week was spent in full-on crisis mode. We arranged to have our stuff moved to storage; re-routed all of our mail and payments; put the furniture we bought on hold; cleared out our old apartment; scrambled to line up viewings for new apartments; booked temporary housing at an AirBnB; and said good-bye to the best friends in the entire universe. Oh, and stayed up late to meet some deadlines in-between.
Our cat gave us some solace from the mess that was our lives. Although she's terrified to leave the house, she was an angel the entire move. She purred on my lap for cross-country flight, which I'm sure breaks every FAA regulation in the book. (Thank you nice Virgin flight attendants for letting us slide.) We landed late Friday, and on Saturday morning, we hit the ground running. Erik and I were the Amazing Race of apartment hunting; we saw 20-plus homes over the weekend. As it turns out, being desperate and seven months pregnant makes you desirable tenants. We wound up getting our two top choices, and decided on a sweet place in a Spanish-style home. We signed the lease on Tuesday and moved in Wednesday morning.
We're still unpacking, but we love it so far! Our place is surrounded by greenery, flowers, and hummingbirds, but we're a short walk away from delicious restaurants, taco trucks, Trader Joe's (!), parks, and the art museum. There's enough room for Erik and I both to have our own offices, plus a little extra room for baby. So all's well that ends well, but what a time! There's nothing like a crisis to make you truly appreciate your amazing and supportive friends, family, and husband.
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