Monday, January 31, 2011

6 things... (san fran edition)

...we did in San Fran:

1. Ate delicious Chinese-style crab with Tim, Sherry, Betsy, John, Derek, and Nate.
2. Went to a very bizarre bar with dogs on stools and funny locals.
3. Walked in the rain to the Ferry Terminal with Betsy and Louis, browsed the farmer's market, and ate lot of seafood.
4. Watched The Social Network (finally! and for free!).
5. Took two long urban hikes through the Haight, Mission, Chinatown, and Knob Hill.
6. Climbed up Buena Vista park and Coit Tower, and then down to see Alcatraz and the sea lions at the piers.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

in memoriam

Today I learned that my friend Kai passed away. We were high school pals that lost touch and then reconnected via Facebook. I was always moved by his love for his family and incredible passion for life: He was constantly giving blood, volunteering, spending time with his girls, and training for some physical feat. In short, his brief notes were always an inspiration. His last status update couldn't be any more of a reminder to live life like he did—with his whole heart, treasuring each day to the fullest:

"Will be heading to my second funeral of the yr today... life is short... take the time today to tell the ones you love that you love them... give your kids a longer hug...tomorrow is not a guarantee."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

a clear sign

We are having an absolute blast in San Fran, seeing friends and family, hiking around the beautiful city, and stuffing ourselves silly with tacos and crab. I'll post more about this trip later, but I just had to share this fortune I received at the Chinese restaurant last night. It's fate! A little strip of paper declared it so!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Thursday night, we're headed to a place where many a Chino-Latino has tread before: San Francisco. I'm crazy-busy now so, in the meantime, please enjoy what this little guy has to tell you. I feel like he would say "Herro!" in a funny accent. And then maybe drop some serious knowledge about climate change and President Obama's State of the Union address. What do you think?

Monday, January 24, 2011

whine time

I've been mostly upbeat on this blog, so please excuse this break from the regularly scheduled programming so I can grouse for a moment. BEEP. I'm tired. I have a zit. Deadlines are mounting. The high in NYC is 17 freaking degrees. The roads are too icy to run on, which is depriving me of my exercise-related endorphins, and that is making me grumpy. I miss sunshine. Dudes who make "sooo...what nationality are you?" comments give me the skeevies. The kitchen ceiling is dripping. Our current pre-reform healthcare system really sucks. BEEP. In happier news, I'm off to San Francisco this Thursday and then headed to the Catskills chalet for some snowboarding action the following weekend. Can't wait!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

no big deal

I'm starting to suspect that living in New York for close to decade has warped my sense of normalcy. Last week, for instance, Erik invited me to meet Questlove [from the Roots] at the drummer's birthday party in Williamsburg. I passed because it was already midnight, and I wanted to get up early the next morning to go to the gym. But I'm not completely jaded yet: I still freaked out when he showed me this pic of Justin Bieber wearing one of his designs. What!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Oh man! This week, the 6 train to work has been a hot mess: delays, overcrowding, crazy people. To get my mind off of the suckiness of the situation (and the fact that my face is smooshed into someone else's armpit), I've been running through a few of my favorite memories. Here are the six that come to mind:

1. Laughing and dancing at fake proms #1 and #2. (Pictured above.) Lily and Sil's loft, Tony and Glenna deejaying, Tim doing "Billie Jean"...I think those parties are going to out-awesome any other celebration I ever throw, including my wedding.
2. Getting snowed in at Colonial Arms with Amie and Justin during senior year of college. Two weeks of sheer fun.
3. Recapping Saturday Night Live episodes at Sunday morning swim practice with Kelly, Eva, MaryBeth, and Meg.
4. Walking two miles to get some doughnut munchkins with Amie in Arlington. I say that because it sums up our relationship: Going to great lengths to get food, and then laughing hysterically the entire time.
5. Doing laps in the Bed-Stuy pool, with the sun basking my shoulders and the gray city surrounding me.
6. Last week, Erik turning to me and asking seriously, "Do you know what my lucky cat's name is?" And then he turns and talks directly to the little figurine: "Crunchy. Let's go Crunchy Cat! Time to work!" Ah, it makes me giggle every time! Because you have to cherish the little memories, too; it's the string of them that makes up the fabric of our lives.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

dress hunt

Since I have another four or five weddings to attend this year (including one in a few weeks), I'm on a shopping kick to stock up on some nice dresses. And by shopping, I mean browsing online stores while watching Top Chef—until I decide all the options are too expensive and log off. (I guess wasting time is what I get for being such a cheapskate.) Thanks to my laziness and penny-pinching ways, I wore the outfit featured above to a total of three weddings and a baby shower this year. I think about one-third of my Facebook photos feature this frock, in fact. Could it be possible? Am I slowly turning into my dad, who still wears his circa-1970s clothes, butterfly collars and all? It's official: I need an intervention.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about dreams lately. They're kind of tricky things. You have to dream big to achieve success, and yet, if that's all you focus on, you run the risk of letting the rest of life pass you by—or becoming frustrated with a constant state of have-not. I've decided that I'm pretty fortunate at this stage in my life, because my most important dream of all has already come true: finding happiness. Although there are things that can definitely bring me down, no matter what happens, I can come home at the end of the day and laugh, snuggle, and fill my heart with love. That gives me the incredible fortune and freedom of being able to chase after smaller dreams while knowing that, if I fall, there will always be someone there to catch me.

Friday, January 14, 2011

welcome, ryan!

Today my BFF Amie had her second son. Aren't both mama and baby absolutely breathtaking? I love them both so much! I can't WAIT to meet him.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

6 things...

...I did this week (insane work version):

1. Woke up at 4 a.m. to do seven hours of TV and radio interviews as part of a 16-hour work day. BOO.
2. Heard Sarah's incredible book news. YAY.
3. Celebrated Amanda and Anthony's engagement with beers and pizza. Double YAY!
3. Gave an "expert" speech to 200+ people. My life is weird. (Also, resolution #3? Check!)
4. Ate delicious vegan food at the James Beard House with my pal Rachel.
5. Started half-marathon training again. Sub-1:50 time, here I come.
6. Had a long convo with my dad's prescription manager trying to figure out his meds and insurance coverage. Holy shiz, healthcare is confusing. Did you know that Medicare has something called a doughnut hole? And, unlike the Dunkin kind, this version sucks! To make matters worse, I can't get half of the info I need because my dad has to fax in a consent form. (Dad + fax = not happening.) It's times like these that I really wish North Carolina wasn't so far away. :(

Pic: Chicago. Wish I was at a pool right now!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Remember that In Living Color skit about the Jamaican family who took pride in having multiple jobs (and then when the daughter meets a doctor, the father tsk-tsks because he only has one job)? That's what I feel like these days, with all my writing and editing and blogging and speech-giving and television-appearing and product-hawking and dance-monkeying... I'm ready for Erik to become a kajillionaire / Monkey turn into a YouTube sensation with her own merchandising line / my Apple stock to reach 1,000...any day now!

Pic: Globe at the Surf Lodge in Montauk. I heart iPhone.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Dear City of New York,
Thank you for dropping that $100,000 fine against my boyfriend. You sure stressed us out.
P.S. You are incompetent.

Dear crispy-juicy red grapes,
I simply can't get enough of you.

Dear building on McCarren,
I love that you trap snowflakes on your glass awning. It always makes me stop and marvel at the beauty in the world.

Dear girls with high heels in the snow,
What are you thinking?

Dear time,
Please slow down, so my sweet egg of father can walk me down the aisle and kiss his yet-to-be-born grandkids. You're making me nervous.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

finding balance

To say that this week was bonkers is putting it mildly. There was no shortage of deadlines, which got me thinking about work-life balance. I know, I know, the right thing to say is that life should always be your top priority. But in New York City, the line gets a little blurry. So many of us have pursued our dream careers, turning our passion into a job, and our identities have become entwined with our work. And it's hard to walk away from something you fought so hard to get in the first place. My solution: I'm just going to follow my gut; I've never once regretted a decision I made by trusting my instincts. By choosing that path, I know I'll strike the right balance.

Pic: Me and Lisa taking the plunge in Chantanburri, Thailand.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Cutest. Picture. Ever. Erik just texted me this, and I had to share.


Whoa! 2011 has really burst out of the gate. We're only in the second week, and there's so much amazing news to report! Two of my favorite people (pictured above) got engaged (!!), as well as my lovely coworker. Another two dear friends have huge job news, and yet another is pregnant with her first. Plus, one of my coworkers is moving abroad. It's all so exciting, and I feel like twirling around and singing, I'm so thrilled for everyone. Change is definitely in the air, and I have a feeling it's going to be a big, big year.

Edited to add: And last night I learned my girl Sarah just landed a book deal. Wahoo!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year! Whee! I love fresh beginnings, don't you? I'm not so great with resolutions (there's something so...binding about them), but I do love having goals and aspirations. So, for 2011, I want to...

1. Have the confidence to go with my gut, no matter how much my conscience tries to talk me out of it.
2. Put more research into investing. As part of my 2010 goal to take charge of my finances, I created an online trading account and had success with a few educated guesses. But I want to learn more and make some smarter choices! I find the stock market so fascinating; it's kind of like intellectual gambling.
3. Do more things that scare the bejeezus out of me.
4. Feel guilty less often, especially when it comes to taking time for myself. You only live once!