The week that we move into our new apartment, I was feeling pretty shell-shocked. It had been the craziest cross-country move, and everything was starting to dawn on me. I was thousands of miles away from my friends and mom, starting over in a brand-new city. I was having a baby. Everything was changing. What was I doing?
That's when an invite popped into my email … for my baby shower. But I didn't know anyone in Los Angeles. I was confused. Finally, Erik explained that my friends were all going to fly in and host a California beach baby shower. I was so shocked! It's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me, and I was over-the-moon excited to see everyone.
On the weekend, my brother and sis-in-law flew in, and then we all drove down to Sunset Beach. The girls had rented an amazing house a few blocks from the beach, complete with my dream kitchen and an elevator (!). It was the perfect weekend: We barbecued, laughed, and caught up. The girls got some surfs in, and we walked to the famous Huntington Pier. They also gave me the sweetest presents for baby girl.
I know this is going to be all sorts of cliched, but the biggest present of all was seeing all of their faces. I'm so touched, and beyond lucky to have such beautiful, strong, smart, and adventurous women in my life. Baby girl is going to learn so much from each of them!
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