Hope everyone had a very lovely holiday! Mine was peaceful and low-key. We stayed in town, since I'm headed to NC in two weeks, and it was just what the doctor ordered. On Christmas Eve, Kim and I went surfing in the 35-degree weather. With our 5-milimeter wetsuits, gloves, and booties, it was actually comfortable. We both caught fun little waves, and the morning was picture-perfect: a blue-to-orange ombre sky over an empty ocean. Getting out was another matter; we basically ripped each other's suits off while screaming at the freezing cold. I was laughing so hard I collapsed onto the icy concrete. It was insane and pretty much the best time ever. The rest of the day was spent napping, lounging with Erik, and eating lobster rolls. On Christmas, I actually relaxed and read (finished two books and a bottle of wine!) and caught up on some cleaning, cooking, and movie-watching. An unconventional holiday, for sure, but it was just right. Who says the holidays have to be hectic?
Thursday, December 26, 2013
holiday recap
Hope everyone had a very lovely holiday! Mine was peaceful and low-key. We stayed in town, since I'm headed to NC in two weeks, and it was just what the doctor ordered. On Christmas Eve, Kim and I went surfing in the 35-degree weather. With our 5-milimeter wetsuits, gloves, and booties, it was actually comfortable. We both caught fun little waves, and the morning was picture-perfect: a blue-to-orange ombre sky over an empty ocean. Getting out was another matter; we basically ripped each other's suits off while screaming at the freezing cold. I was laughing so hard I collapsed onto the icy concrete. It was insane and pretty much the best time ever. The rest of the day was spent napping, lounging with Erik, and eating lobster rolls. On Christmas, I actually relaxed and read (finished two books and a bottle of wine!) and caught up on some cleaning, cooking, and movie-watching. An unconventional holiday, for sure, but it was just right. Who says the holidays have to be hectic?
Friday, December 20, 2013
relationship advice

Maybe it's because we're both laid-back, but Erik and I rarely argue. In fact, we didn't have out first serious spat until, well, six years into our relationship! But every once in a while, we do get annoyed at each other. Which is why a conversation I had recently hit home. I was interviewing a relationship expert for a story, and she said something along the lines of, "In every argument, there's the thing that happened and the story that you tell yourself. It's important to mind the gap between the two." Isn't that so true? She recommended using the phrasing, "When you did X in Y circumstance, I felt Z." I followed this advice last week, and it worked. When I brought up an issue that's bugged me before, our conversation went more smoothly than in the past. It also helps that Erik is pretty much the sweetest guy in the universe. Yup, I married a good one!
Monday, December 16, 2013
day at the ballet
After a week of bikinis and flip-flops, it was rough coming back to deadlines and snowstorms. Grumpy! Fortunately, I had a mid-week break that put me in more of a holiday mood. Amanda invited me as her plus-one to an event, where we got to play ballerinas with the NYC Ballet. I'm about as klutzy as they come, but it was fun and we got to wear leg warmers. After a delicious lunch at the gorgeous restaurant in Lincoln Center (who knew?) and tour of the stage, we watched a matinee showing of the Nutcracker. I hadn't seen it in years, and the plot is pretty crazy. Killing an army rats and then feasting on a bunch of junk food? Balanchine must've been a born-and-bred New Yorker. It was such a lovely festive day and melted a bit of my Grinch-like attitude. How many more weeks till summer?
Thursday, December 12, 2013
costa rica fun
I'm home from another incredible surf trip with six incredible ladies and lots of fun new friends! The conditions were perfect for learning, and we spent five hours a day in the water. Super excited by how much we all progressed. The surf camp people sent us home with video footage of our waves, and, after watching mine, I realized that my strengths and flaws in the ocean are the same as on land. While I'm good about charging without fear, I need to work on my patience and selection. (Can't tell you how many times I took off on a close-out, only to paddle back into the perfect waves behind it.) I'm also excellent at setting and achieving goals. My latest: getting barreled by age 60. Mark my words, it'll happen; I wanna be the gray-haired lady tucked inside the wave!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A few years back, a coworker jokingly asked how I'm nearly always in a good mood. We laughed it off, but the answer is that I'm just...grateful. As cheesy as it sounds, not a week goes by when I don't thank my lucky stars for this life of mine. It's far from perfect, but it's perfect for me! With that said, here are a few things I'm feeling extra thankful about this year:
1. My family and friends. I read a line once that went something like, "the true test of friendship isn't how the react during a tragedy, but how they act during a time of celebration." They've been there for me in the roughest patches, and they were by my side at my wedding, one of the happiest days in my life. I love them.
2. My body. The older I become, the less I dwell on what my body looks like, and more on what it can do. It's carried me through triathlons, surf trips, and all 26.2 miles of a marathon. My body is healthy and strong and full of energy, and for that, I'm so grateful.
3. My upbringing. As much as I joke that my first-generation childhood was no-frills, it made me the person that I am today. It's because of my parents that I believe in hard work, loyalty, unconditional love, and the little pleasures in life -- all of the qualities that I'm most proud to have.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thanksgiving week!
Can you even believe that it's Thanksgiving week? Cripes. We got a head start celebrating at Amanda and Anthony's annual Fake Thanksgiving party, which was warm, cozy, and delicious. (They are the ultimate hosts!) Turns out that their feast is the closest we're coming to a real Thanksgiving, since we're staying in Brooklyn this year with no major plans. We're going to sleep in, watch the Hunger Games, and eat soup dumplings. I'm pretty excited about it. And on Saturday I'm headed to Costa Rica for a surf trip with the ladies. Yeah!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
wedding recap: pic love

My amazing friend and wedding photographer Sara sent us our wedding pics. I am in LOVE with them. I'm boggled by her talent. She did such an incredible job capturing all of the moments and emotions. I have no idea how she managed to be in 1,000 places at once, nor how she switched between multiple digital and film cameras and lenses. Come to think of it, I never once saw her break a sweat or look anything but calm throughout the entire evening. She may or may not be a photography wizard. It's been so fun reliving that incredible day -- I can't stop looking at them. (Seriously, somebody stop me. I have deadlines!)
Friday, November 15, 2013
6 things...
…that I've been up to this week:
1. Adjusted to the chilly temps and time change. Brr! I've been living in my flannel, sweatpants, and cozy socks.
2. Did a big long walk with Erik. We strolled over the bridge, shopped around, and went to a gallery opening for his friends. City rambles are my favorite; there's always something new to see, experience, or eat.
3. Got together with my favorite surf chicas. I miss the ocean. Fingers crossed that there's waves this weekend. It's been so long, I'm not sure I'll remember what to do.
4. Ordered a mattress pad. Our bed is (no joke) probably 12+ years old, and we keep holding out on buying a new one. As a temporary fix, we ordered a fluffy pillow top deal. Hello, awesome! Our bed is so cozy now that I never want to get up.
5. Enjoyed my first non-training week. Although I've been up to my eyeballs in deadlines, so my brain's still in marathon-endurance mode.
6. Did a life-and-gratitude check. Recently there have been a few sad and hard things that have reminded me of life's brevity. The other day I read a quote that struck me: "In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you." - Buddha. Isn't that lovely?
Sunday, November 10, 2013
big season
Now that the marathon's over and done, I can hardly believe that I even did it. Actually, come to think of it, I can hardly believe my summer and early fall: an office gig, travel, wedding planning, pre-wedding week with family, actual wedding, honeymoon, more travel, and marathon. With marathon training, surfing, trips home, and whole lotta deadlines peppered in there! The funny thing is that it never really felt like too much...well, except for those days when I had to wake up at the crack of dawn to finish a story. I guess when you're having fun, it never feels like a ton of effort. Now that all these monumental things are done, I don't have any major planned over the next few months. I'm excited to chill, spend time with husband, and get back to (chilly winter!) surfing.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
2013 new york city marathon recap: sidebar

What kind of self-respecting magazine writer would I be if I didn't include a service sidebar? Thus, my tips for the ING New York City marathon:
1. Take the ferry. It's super easy and leaves much later than the bus, so you don't have to sit in the cold for hours. Speaking of, it's chillier on Staten Island, so wear lots of warm layers -- and don't shed them all before you head to the coral. They keep you in there for about half an hour, so bring a hoodie, towel, or heat sheet to toss at the last minute. Also, head to your coral ASAP -- the lines were so long that a bunch of people got shut out and had to start later.
2. Eat two breakfasts. This advice comes from Glenna, who reminded me that the later start time meant I'd be running through lunch. I never, ever skip meals, so I knew I'd be hungry if I didn't fuel up. So I drank a big fruit-and-spinach smoothie and coffee when I woke up, and then ate most of a bagel with peanut butter and some Goldfish crackers before the start. During the race, I fueled with two packs of ShotBlock, a bag of Swedish fish, and part of a banana, plus water every two miles. Seemed to do the trick, and I wasn't famished or headache-y after the race.
3. Read the pre-race pamphlet. And take note of the starting village map and what time the baggage and corals close. The village is humongous, and, although it's really well marked, it's easy to get overwhelmed or lost. I assumed there was only one bag check, but there's one for each color. Also, it's a 5- to 10-minute walk from your wait zone to the corals, so keep that in mind.
4. Find out exactly where your friends are stationed. The crowds are insanely thick, so spotting someone is tough, even when you know what corner they'll be on. I missed a lot of my friends, except for the main cheering squad at Gibson!
5. Trim all the so-so songs from your playlist. I had mine set to shuffle, and of course it hit one of my medium-paced training songs right as I was dying at mile 26. At that point, I really needed something ridiculous to lift me up.
6. Wear items you can ditch. At first, I was reticent to rock arm warmers because, honestly, they're extremely run-nerdy. But I'm glad I wore them and my throw-away gloves, because I fluctuated between hot and cold at different portions of the course, and when the sun came out.
7. Meet your family somewhere besides the park. Because I didn't pay attention to the baggage options, I had to do bag-check, so I just checked my subway card and keys and headed home right after the race. I'm so glad that I didn't arrange to meet anyone, because there wasn't any cell reception and the last thing I wanted to do in my delirium was figure out where to go. It was nice just to pop on the subway and head home. Funny aside: At the top of the stairs at L transfer, I made eye contact with another runner and we just groaned helplessly and then cracked up. It was such an only-in-New-York moment.
Monday, November 4, 2013
2013 nyc marathon recap
Yesterday I ran my the NYC marathon, my first! It was an insane, incredible experience. My day started at 6:30 a.m. with a full eight hours' of sleep (yay time change). The morning sped by: After taking the 7:30 Staten Island Ferry, buses carted us to the starting village, which was enormous. Everywhere I turned, there was a runner doing something weird, like massaging their toes or rubbing themselves with Vaseline. By the time I dropped off my bag, stood in line for the bathroom, and ate my bagel breakfast, it was time to head to my corral. I have to had it to the NYRR people -- the whole experience was so well orchestrated; I felt like a sheep being herded from one place to the next.
In line, I chatted with the people around me, like the 65-year-old dude who's done 15 marathons and an Ironman -- all while dressed in a tuxedo. People are amazing. While I was waiting, my friend Hannah popped up in front of me. What are the odds with 50,000-plus runners?
After the song "New York, New York," excited screams, and a very loud starting boom...we were off! Those two miles on the bridge were amazing: It was just a sea of runners for as far as the eye could see, set across the backdrop of the Manhattan skyline. Seriously, a view I'll never, ever forget. To our left, a police chopper hovered, like something out of James Bond movie. I was so amped that I barely noticed the steep incline. It's such an incredible, giddy moment: I was running the NYC marathon!
From there, the course took us through south Brooklyn, Park Slope, and Fort Greene. The energy was electric, and I couldn't stop grinning. I had to consciously watch my Garmin and slow down to my goal pace of 10-minute miles. Although everyone tells you to go out slow, it's really, really hard to reign it in because of all of the excitement and adrenaline. After the turn at my old Bed-Stuy apartment, we ran through the quieter stretch of South Williamsburg, where I reflected on how grateful I was to be able to run this race. Being injured for the past few weeks made me realize what an enormous gift it is to be able-bodied and healthy.
The next stretch through Williamsburg was my favorite, because that's where my friends were hanging. Erik was the first person I spotted, and I was so happy to see his handsome face! I gave him a kiss, said hi to Glenna, and then jogged up to high-five all my friends in front of the Gibson. I so wanted to join their party, but knew my legs would hate me -- so I forced myself to keep on keepin' on.
From there, the course took us over the Pulaski bridge, through Queens, which wasn't quite as exciting as Brooklyn but still pumping with crowds. Next came the Queensboro bridge, which isn't that bad of an incline, just long and quiet. It's at this point where you can feel a noticeable energy dip in the runners as people start to realize that they're tired. I was still feeling pretty good, so I listened to music, read people's shirts (so, so many inspirational stories), and took in the cool view of Manhattan.
The next stretch down First Avenue was one big party, full of cheers and funny signs. The water stops are matted with Gatorade cups and slippery banana peels (!), so I concentrated on not falling flat on my face. The avenue is a long, gradual incline, so by the time I got to the Bronx, my hips were tight and legs felt heavy. Still, I was pretty pumped during miles 20 and 21. I was going to finish this thing! To take my mind off of my legs, I popped in my earbuds again and let Katy Perry pace me through the next stretch.
Then came the Fifth Avenue incline. Ugh! This was the hardest mile of the race for me. Runners around me slowed down to a walk, and I really, really wanted to join them. But I knew I'd be disappointed in myself, so I gave my stern talking-to and concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. My mantra: "If you believe, you can achieve." I also thought about my little dad, and everything he taught me about determination and hard work.
The next three miles were an emotional roller coaster: I fluctuated between angry (who designed this effing course?!); teary (a man ahead of me was wearing a shirt dedicating the race to the memory of his beloved son); grateful (so many wonderful people cheering me on); and ecstatic (thank heavens, a mile marker!). It's true what they say about running the last few miles with your heart. By this point, my legs were exhausted, so it was pure determination that kept me going! At mile 26, I didn't have anything left to sprint, so I tossed my hands up in victory and jogged through the finish line.
My final time was 4:33, a little short of Oprah's time but way ahead of Pamela Anderson! I went through a lot to get that finish line -- last year's training and cancellation; this year's wedding and travel; and three weeks of a hurt foot -- so I couldn't be more proud of myself. I DID IT!!!
Whee! I can't recommend this experience enough...the whole race was so well-run and absolutely magical. It was worth all of the effort and every cent. It reminded me of the power of the human spirit (have you seen this?), and made me fall in love with the city so much more: Oh, NYC, you've kicked my ass countless times, but you're always, always worth it. Final takeaway? Dear reader, if you ever have the chance to run the NYC marathon, DO IT. Getting entry is a pain for sure, but it's such a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You won't regret it!

PS: I had to include this proof. Don't you love all the emotions in it?!
Friday, November 1, 2013
doing it!
This weekend, I'm running my first marathon: New York City, baby! I've been pretty nonchalant about the whole affair...until yesterday, when I popped over to the expo to pick up my number. Holy shiz, dudes, I'm running a marathon! I'm a little nervous because of my foot injury, along with the fact that I missed more than a few weeks of training due to the wedding and travel. Also this week has been a blur because of deadlines and some very sad news, so I haven't had a chance to really prepare (yesterday I ordered supplies on Amazon per usual). Last night I had a freak-out dream, but this morning, I gave myself a little talking-to and I'm back on excited. I get to run on top of the Verrazano bridge...how cool is that!
Monday, October 28, 2013
camping in the snow
This past weekend, I went camping upstate with some friends in honor of Heather's going-away and Amanda's birthday. The temperatures dipped below freezing at night, so it was cold! But nothing about eight layers of clothing and spiked apple cider couldn't chase away. We spent most of the weekend hiking and sitting around the campfire playing games. I love my friends.
Monday, October 21, 2013
home sweet home
Since the wedding, I've had an out-of-town trip nearly every week. So it was really nice to have a quiet few days at home. After flying back on Saturday afternoon, we decided to stroll around Soho and do some shopping. We finished off the night with Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken, and it was so good, we couldn't stop freaking out. I love New York City! On Sunday, I did a bunch of errands, cooked, and went on a quick run; my foot finally feels a bit better (ack, fingers crossed!). Then we binge-watched Homeland, which is the first show that Erik and I have gotten hooked on. I have one last trip this weekend, and then I'm home for nearly all of November...so excited!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
guiding light
Yesterday, I switched off the outside house light, so I was surprised to see it still on this morning. "Hey, how did that happen?" I asked my mom. "I turn it on every night," explained mom. "For Babi. So he can find his way home at night. It's so dark." Cue: My heart swelling. Sunday marks the two-year anniversary of my dad's death, and he's still front and center in all of our hearts. Isn't that the mark of a wonderful life?
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
mom time
Okay, I've said it before, but how adorable is my mom? She makes getting up at 5 a.m. to catch a flight after staying up all night to make a deadline totally worth it. After picking me up this morning, we've been on a mission. First, we put flowers on my dad's grave. It's become such a special ritual: I clean off his headstone while my mom tells him everything that's happened recently, from my getting married to the status of the lawn. Today, mom said (in Chinese), "you must be comfortable." Which, at first I thought was a funny thing to say, but then I realized that she was spot-on. My dad would be so content and happy to know that his family is thriving. Then we hit up Grand Asia, where mom bought lunch and a year's supply of rice. Still on the to-do list: sorting through some paperwork, going to the doctor's, and a few around-the-house projects.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
banged up

Although I've never broken a bone or gotten stitches (knock on wood), I do have a propensity for getting myself into bangs and scrapes. Like, oh, the times I hit my face with my surfboard (pictured above), ran into cactus, got stung by jellyfish all over, or had my face explode into a crazy rash (on our honeymoon!). So I guess it's inevitable that I'm a little worse for the wear from my super-sporadic marathon training plan. My foot has been aching since my 21-miler on Saturday. Ugh!! I'm nervous it's plantar fascitis, but hoping that's mild inflammation. Fingers crossed that it heals up before the marathon...Otherwise Erik says that I'll limp all 26.2 miles because I never freaking give up. Too true.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
another year wiser!
Today I'm 35...whee! Last night Erik and I celebrated by going to the movies and eating the most delicious dinner at Traif, a restaurant in our neighborhood. See that scrumptiousness above? Oh, it's just bacon doughnuts with dolce de leche and coffee ice cream. Yum. I'm sad to say good-bye to 34, because it was one of my favorite years to date. I did a lot of traveling (Japan, Thailand, Costa Rica, Vermont, Jamaica, Arizona); spent quality time with mom and Tim; and got engaged and married. But I'm looking forward to 35, too. There are some exciting and slightly scary changes brewing, so I know there will be plenty of new adventures ahead!
Friday, October 11, 2013
reminder to self
Lately, I've been thinking about how an action that seems tiny to me might have a bigger impact on someone else. Since my cup is pretty full these days, I've been trying to pay it forward with small acts of kindness and little donations to worthy causes. Sometimes, when I'm feeling busy or lazy, I'll think "meh, what does it really matter?" and want to go on with my day without deviating from the path. To remain in my cozy cocoon of a life and not want to make an effort, which, let's be honest, is how I feel much of the time. But this post is a reminder to myself that the extra step is always worth it, and that karma will boomerang back.
Prime example: Monkey. I rescued that cat from a shelter, and she was the lemon of the group because she wasn't friendly at all. In the beginning, when she scratched me like crazy, I doubted my decision. But now she makes me laugh every day, and has given me so much joy! I mean, look at her using my neck pillow as a bean bag chair...what a character!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
birthday week!

It's that time again...birthday week. Today is Erik's big day, and Sunday is mine. Given all of the wedding and honeymoon excitement, we're keeping things pretty low-key this year. I have to do a long marathon training run, and then we'll do dinner and a movie (date night!). But, YOU GUYS, I'm turning 35!!! With each passing day, I'll be closer to 40 than 30. I'm pretty excited about it. My 20s were all about proving myself. I put in long hours in the office to establish my career; made silly mistakes and learned from them; and dated the wrong guys to find the perfect one. Now that I'm nearing my late 30s, I'm confident in myself and happy with my life. I'm ready to handle whatever life has store for me next!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
wedding recap: best day ever
Looking back, I realized that I haven't written about my experience as a bride! Here's a recap for posterity's sake:
As I mentioned before, the week leading up to our wedding was hectic. Mom and Tim got into town on Monday to spend some quality time. We ate delicious food, saw the Lion King on Broadway, walked the High Line, and went on a cruise around Manhattan. My mom was happy having our little family together, and seeing her smile made all the running around (I had to sneak in errands and work at night) worth it! Poor Tim got sick, and there was a string of unfortunate events -- but it all turned out fine in the end. At our pre-wedding dinner at M Shanghai, surrounded by our families and out-of-town friends, it hit me: This is happening. Chalk it up to seven years together, but we didn't feel nervous...just excited!
On the morning of the big day, we slept in. Heaven! We lingered in bed, chatted about our excitement, and laughed with Monkey. Around noon, Sarah and Heather picked me up to cart over stuff, and we grabbed burgers for lunch. Because Heather worked her incredible pro set-up magic, all I had to do was get ready with my mom, aunt, and friends. Pre-wedding, we drove around Greenpoint with Mous and Sara to take pictures; it felt so calm and joyful. I chuckled at the people slyly taking pictures of us on their iPhones as we posed in front of the Manhattan skyline; it was payback for all the times I've done that.
The ceremony itself was one of the best experiences of my entire life. It's surreal to see all of your loved ones smiling at you; I kept thinking, "hey, what are they doing here?" Mous did a beautiful job officiating. Since Erik and I wrote the script, we knew what he was going to say -- so I found myself laughing before the words came out of his mouth. My favorite parts were remembering my sweet dad and exchanging looks with Erik. At one point, my cheeks ached from grinning so much. As we walked down the aisle to our friends spinning their hand drums, I felt pure happiness, untouched by any other emotion.
We took the elevator straight up to the reception and kicked off the party. It's true what they say: It goes by in a flash. I loaded up on delicious drinks, apps, tacos, and ice cream sandwiches (I definitely wasn't one of those brides that forgets to eat!), jumped in the photo booth, and laughed with my dear friends. At one point, I remember looking around the rooftop and seeing so many happy faces, and just feeling...proud. Above all, Erik and I's main goal was to make sure that everyone had a fun time (haven't we all been to a boring wedding?!), and I think we managed to pull it off! It was truly one of the best days of my life, and I'm so incredibly grateful to have such the most amazing partner, family, and friends.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
back on track!
Friday, October 4, 2013
wedding recap: our vendors
Now that I'm back from all my travels, I finally have a moment to blog about our wedding! Since I Googled the heavens out of "budget Brooklyn wedding" and "should I have a wedding?", I thought I'd write up a few posts for my fellow level-headed, non-wedding-obsessed brides out there. First piece of advice: Don't freak out! You can have a lovely wedding without going insane, sacrificing your social life, or going into debt. For my first entry, here's a round-up of the vendors that we used:
1. Venue: King & Grove Hotel, Williamsburg: Much to our surprise, this swanky-ish hotel was one of our most affordable options. Even piecing together a budget soup-to-nuts wedding (think: barebones venue, barbecue catering) was pricier! That's because we kept our guest list low (64 people). It worked out beautifully: I had plenty time to chat with everyone at the reception; the food was insanely delicious (sliders, croquettes, tacos and ice cream sandwiches!!!); and the drinks were amazing. And who needs decor when you have lush greenery and the NYC skyline? Plus, everything was taken care of, from catering to our hotel room, which made planning an absolute dream. One-stop shop!
2. Photo booth: Podpix. I was obsessed with photo booths long before the wedding craze, and really wanted one, but didn't think we could afford it. Luckily enough, I got roped into going to a wedding fair early on, got on PodPix's email list, and jumped at the opportunity when they sent out a sale blast. Erik and I didn't have anything traditional (speeches, etc.) planned for the reception. We figured a photobooth would give our guests something fun to do -- and we were so glad we splurged! It was such a blast, and I adore all of the keepsake photo strips.
3. Photographer: Sara Luckey. Full disclosure: Sara is one of my friends, but her incredible work speaks for itself! She was clutch in making the wedding day run smoothly and kept us on timeline. She's also a miracle worker in getting people in the right place and making them smile. Erik is a tough one to crack -- he always opts for cool instead of mushy in front of the camera -- but Sara somehow got him to let down his guard!
4. Wedding coordinator and florist: Heather Lee. Heather is another dear homie and a genius to boot. My bouquet was perfection, and she ran everything behind the scenes so I could just enjoy the getting-ready process.
5. Make-up artist: Jennifer Nam. This was another case where I was really glad that I didn't cheap out. Originally, I was thinking of just going to Drybar, but opted to go with Jen so I could stay in Brooklyn. Because we've worked together before on TV segments, I skipped the trials, which cut down the cost. She's amazing, and I couldn't be happier with how my hair and makeup turned out. I didn't even need to do any touchups, because she worked her magic and everything stayed put until 3 a.m.
...And that's it! Because our poor deejay got in an accident, we did our music ourselves through an iPod. That turned out to be fun, because we played songs from both of our cultures, like cumbia and Chinese jams. Our friend Mous married us, which was so dear and personal, and he doubled as our driver during the picture session. Oh, and Osa designed my engagement set and wedding bands. He's a genius! (Come to think of it, we have some talented friends.)
I highly, highly recommend all of of these vendors! My wedding day was a true dream, and I can't think of anything I would have done differently.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
seeing the southwest
Generally I'm not the biggest fan of press trips: At the end of the day, I'd much rather be home with my fella and cat. But I made an exception for a trip to Miraval -- I really wanted to meet the experts, see the southwest, and get a little pampering. I had the loveliest time! Besides learning a bunch, I took a hike in the desert, got a hot-stone massage, and went swimming surrounded by the mountains. My room was also insane! It had an outdoor shower (is there any better way to shower?), the softest bed, and a ginormous soaking tub. As amazing as it all was, I can't wait to get home to my two favorite creatures.
Monday, September 30, 2013
southhampton girls weekend
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
good enough
There's no denying it: I'm one lucky duck. After the wedding, Erik and I had one day to recuperate before jetting off on Tuesday to Negril for a quick getaway. It was total perfection; we swam in the crystal-clear sea, lounged in our beachfront villa, and ate some of the most delicious food I've ever tasted! Since getting back on Saturday, I've been working around the clock playing catch-up, because I'm set to head to the Hamptons this weekend (for a girls' trip) and Tucson on Monday (for a "work" trip). I thought my time all budgeted out, but I got a few surprise emergency revises from editors, as is always the case. Between all of that, and a weird cold and insane skin rash (according to Dr. Google, a sun allergy...I looked like a Klingon!), I haven't been running much at all...and the marathon is fast approaching. Ack. Part of me is freaking the eff out, but the other part is like "meh, it won't be pretty, but you'll finish." I'm opting to go with the latter train of thought. It's taken me years, but I'm slowly starting to realize: sometimes getting by is good enough.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
wedding recap: our video!
We didn't plan for a wedding video, but my Uncle Yang (one of my dad's closest friends from childhood) recorded our ceremony. I'm so glad he captured it. It makes me so happy!
PS: Is it normal to become a total narcissist after your wedding? All I want to do is look at pictures of myself. Someone please intervene!
PPS: I thought it was so adorable when Erik came up with the "eternal sunshine" line. Now, whenever I'm grumpy, he'll say, "there's a raincloud fast approaching." Ha! Touche!
Monday, September 23, 2013
wedding recap: was it worth it?

So remember right after our engagement, when Erik and I were struggling whether or not to have a wedding? We couldn't be happier that we did the dang thing! Besides that initial what-are-we-doing-how-much-are-we-spending stage, the entire process was so super fun (well, minus few silly spats). Planning brought Erik and I even closer together: There were so many meaningful moments, like writing our ceremony script and reminiscing while putting together our music playlist. And then the wedding, and week leading up to it, was simply magical. It was one of those rare moments in life when everything is sparkly and perfect -- and I actually realized it. Throughout the night, I kept taking little mental pictures with my eyes so that the moment would stay with me always. Looking back, the thing I'm most proud of is that we stayed true to ourselves. It can be tricky, but I'm here to say that is possible to have the day of your dreams without spending an insane amount or going crazy!
Monday, September 16, 2013

We did it! I'm overjoyed to say that our wedding was everything we wanted it to be and more -- thanks to a lot of help from our friends and a really good sense of humor. (Teaser: our wedding week included one falling-into-the-train-tracks disaster, a shooting, a hit-and-run cab accident, a serious cold, and a stroke...no joke!) But the night itself was absolutely magical! More to come...
Saturday, September 7, 2013
licensed to wed
On Friday, Erik and I got our marriage license! It was such a funny experience: There were dressed-up brides and photographers and some grumpy-looking couples. Erik cracked a steady stream of jokes, and I'm pretty sure we were the only couple there laughing our heads off. After we filled out the DMV-like paperwork, I exclaimed, "we're licensed to wed, dude!" and even our bored-looking clerk cracked a smile. One week! Of course, we're up to our eyeballs with errands and work, but it's been so super fun sharing this experience. Tonight we wrote our wedding ceremony script (Erik's best friend Mous is officiating), and my cheeks hurt from giggling so much. Pretty excited to spend my life with this guy!
Monday, September 2, 2013
wedding countdown!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, our wedding is less than two weeks away! One week till the Liaos come to town. I'm so not ready; yesterday I went on a bridal accessory buying spree online. Somehow I forgot that I would need earrings and hair adornments and the like (insert mug: world's worst bride). But all that stuff is gravy -- what I'm really looking forward to is seeing our friends and family, and, above all, marrying Erik. So I'm going to devote this post as a shout-out to him, because he's been incredible. Even though wedding planning is ridiculous, I have to say that I've enjoyed most of it because we've worked so well together. Erik's been there every single step of the way, from designing our invites to planning our music and even helping me choose my wedding dress. Not that I had any doubts before, but this all reinforces the fact that Erik is my perfect match. I love him!
Monday, August 19, 2013
and then...rest
These weeks are just flying by! Last week was full of deadlines and friend meet-ups. On Friday, the ladies (plus Jonathan) had another summer surf day. Although it was really flat, it was fun to cruise on the baby waves and eat Roberta's pizza. On Saturday, I did my 14-mile long run with Glenna. We ran Summer Streets, one of three days when NYC shuts down Park Avenue for runners and bikers. It's so cool to go right through midtown and Grand Central! After I was through, the rest of my weekend was spent doing...nothing. Erik's away on business and my body felt off. Maybe I have a mild virus or I'm fighting off something stronger? Despite the pretty weather and my miles-long to-do list, I laid in bed for much of the weekend. I took cat-naps (literally), watched mindless Netflix, and ate my body weight in pad Thai. It was sloth-like, unproductive -- and totally necessary.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
trapeze bachelorette
On Sunday, my amazing friends surprised me with a bachelorette party! I was so shocked and touched! I'll post more about the entire experience, because it was an awesome multi-leg event, but the highlight was trapeze school. I've been wanting to try it out for ages, so I shrieked with joy when the cab pulled up to the location. The school is located on the roof of Chelsea Piers, with a beautiful view of the Hudson River and West Side Highway (which makes you feel even higher). After we strapped on a super-tight harness, the instructors gave a surprisingly short lesson. Before long, I was clambering up the rickety ladder. I'm not terribly afraid of heights, but legs turned into Jell-O as I stood on that 25-foot-high platform, gazing at the toy-sized taxis below. When the instructor yelled "hep!" I jumped and swung. I was flying! I was so focused on snaking my knees over the bar that I don't think I even enjoyed the moment. After the final hep, I let go of the bar and dropped into the net. What a thrill. I was so proud of all of us ladies -- everyone leaped off that platform without hesitation, and we all managed to do backflip dismounts and even the catch (video above). How incredible are my friends to (a) agree to participate in a crazy trapeze class and (b) plan it for my bachelorette? It sure beat teetering around in heels in a nightclub -- one of the coolest things I've done ever!
Friday, August 9, 2013
keeping busy
To say that our little household has been pretty busy is an understatement. I've got my hands full with my marathon training, a part-time in-office gig, and lots and lots of deadlines. Plus, I've been trying to surf at least twice a week and keep up a social life. Erik's schedule is even crazier, since he's in the midst of a ton of wheeling and dealing. Oh yeah, and wedding planning on top of all that jazz! There's been more than a few days of me waking up at the crack of dawn as a delirious Erik is heading to bed. In spite of it all, we've been having fun! Both of us are so incredibly lucky that we're doing what we're passionate about doing -- and are own bosses to boot. And if things ever get too insane, we can just stop, laugh it off, and give our fat little cat a healthy squeeze.
Monday, August 5, 2013
climbing date
Happy Monday, everyone! Per usual, my weekend was busy with lots of activities. On Friday, I had a summer Friday in the Rockaways. The beach wasn't too crowded and the waves were nice. Amanda and Heather were natural surfers; hoping they'll get hooked so we can go out together all the time! That evening, Erik and I ate delicious Jamaican food and went to a 30th birthday party in Tribeca. On the way home, we stopped by the new Freedom Tower and stared upwards at the sparkling building. On Saturday, Erik and I had a climbing date at Brooklyn Boulders, where we learned to tie knots, belay, and scramble up the wall. (I finally talked him into doing a physical adventure with me!) Then, I wrapped up Sunday with a 12-mile long run, lots of errands, and burgers on the patio. Not a bad life. :)
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I consider myself a pretty stoic person (truth be told, Erik's the one who tears up during emotional movies), but this wedding nonsense has me dribbling like a leaky faucet lately. Why did no one warn me of this? In the past few weeks, I've teared up no less than three times. Once, when a dear childhood friend told me that she was going to be able to make it after all, despite dealing with a family emergency. Another time, when I asked my brother to walk me down the aisle. And then also after one of my "uncles" sent me the sweetest note saying that he would be there to represent my dad. Ah, can you even?!? I'm tearing up as I write this...sheesh, I feel like John Boehner over here!
Photo: My parents on their wedding day.
Monday, July 29, 2013
NYC marathon, part two, post one

Sometimes even I can't believe that I'm freaking training for the NYC marathon again. Since some of my first-time excitement has worn off and my schedule is considerably crazier, I've been having a harder time motivating this time around. Even so, I've knocked out some long runs and even sweated buckets during heat-wave training. This year's mantra: just wanna finish!
In our nearly seven years together, Erik and I have ticked off many of our dream vacations: Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Dominican Republic, Italy, France, Japan, and Thailand. E's also traveled extensively through Mexico and Europe, while I've covered China, Taiwan, and Central America. So, choosing our honeymoon has been no small feat. We're saving our epic adventure for the spring, but, in the meantime, we settled on Jamaica for a beach-bum mini-moon. I've only been once, and it'll be Erik's first time! And, for basically the first time ever, we actually sprung for an ocean-front villa. Super stoked.
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