Here's a passage from my brother's eulogy for my dad. Isn't it just so beautiful? (Note: This was right after he told a funny anecdote about how my dad bought a really crappy jalopy from a used-car auction back in college, which subsequently self-combusted in flames.)
"For my dad life was never about driving around in a nice car, or wearing nice clothes. I think he saved his money so that we could be ensured of a secure future. For him it was about being there for his family, and the time he spent with us.
In recent months when I’ve spoken with my dad by phone, one thing that he worried about was that I was working too hard. He would say, 'Tim, don’t work too hard.' This kinda stuck out to me. Seeing how hard my dad worked in his life, and after pushing me to work hard while growing up, I found it a little odd. He had instilled a work ethic in me, having to do back breaking yard work all the time, emphasizing my homework and my studies, propelling me through med school. But thinking about it, in the end I think that he wanted to say was that he wanted me to also to learn to enjoy life, and to stay healthy. He wanted to me to enjoy each others’ company, and the time we have with our loved ones.
My father essentially lived for his family, for us to have a better life. Seeing his family now, and looking back on his life as a while, I know he doesn’t have any regrets. And even though I didn’t get one last chance to spend time with him on that cruise, I can look back fondly on the memories I do have, and be thankful for my dad, and all that he means to me. I also feel that life is good, and that I can look forward to the life to come, largely in part to having been raised by such a good man as my father."
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