Thursday, October 6, 2011


...And I'm baaaaack! Seriously, that was the most frustrating week battling with Time Warner. Ugh, how is it that cable providers basically have a monopoly? Anyway, moving on: To recap, here a few mini-conversations from the past week.

Me (in a beginner's surf lesson): So, is the ocean always this choppy?
Instructor: Oh, no, this is like the worst day ever. Hey, here you go, a wave for you!

Cable repairman: Your Internet and cable are fixed!
Me to Erik: I don't even want to go to Europe anymore. Let's just stay here and watch TV.

Erik: I'm mailing a bunch of tees for a gallery show in Australia.
Me: Why don't you send a few more? Like all of these? (Pointing to entire room filled with Erik's old clothing samples.)

Me: Hi, mom, I bought a ticket home. I'm excited to see you.
Mom: Let's have a vacation here. We can go to the new shopping center. There's Harris Teeter!

Me to Monkey: Why are you so cute? You are only the best cat ever.
Monkey: Bdddrrrr.
Erik: Laughter.

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