Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Uh oh. This post is going to make me sing that horrible Jamie Foxx song all day (un-pre-dict-abbblleeeee). But that's beside the point. What I mean to be writing about is how hard it is to plan out my schedule as a freelance writer/editor, because sneak attack projects and revises can pop up at anytime! And, for a semi-control freak like me, that can be slightly unsettling. I'm rolling with it. To give me some semblance of order, I've devised a "triage" system on my dry-erase board: First thing in the morning, I jot down a list of work things I need to do in the order they need to be done. Off to the side, I scribble down personal errands, like wash dishes, go to the grocery store, and exercise. Then I tick off tasks; if my attention wanders or I need a break, I tackle one of my personal items. Of course, as emails ding into my inbox, that list often gets shifted around. But at least it keeps me from freaking out! Oh, and yes, I realize that the image above really should be of my triage board. But that's way on the bottom of my list...

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